Amelia Massetti
Founder and President
In Berlin, she was manager and founder of the African traditional Guinea music group ‘Sugè’, promoting concerts, Djembe and African dance courses throughout Germany and Poland. From 2006 to 2009, she worked with Yaam as a cultural promoter and sponsor search for cultural events for Africa.
Amelia Massetti conceived and founded Artemisia in 2016, of which she is the President. She is in charge of the coordination, development and promotion of the Project, public relations, manages the website and the Meta and Instagram page.

Lia Nadine Massetti
Artemisia's Inspiration
Lia Nadine was born in Berlin in 1989. Until the age of 14, she attended kindergartens and schools that promoted school inclusion. Afterwards she attended the special school Güstav Müller Schule where she participated with the Samba Music Group in various artistic performances all over Berlin. He was part of the African music group Mosaik, playing the Djembe, and the Popular music group. In 2015, he participated in Blinde & lame’s video clip “Come am little closer” and in the performance of various differently abled artists in the Münchner-Volkstheater “Geht’s noch?! Der große Krampf’ with her own choreography based on traditional African music.
Since 2011 he has been working permanently as a performing artist in the Theater Thikwa, founded in Berlin in 1991 for people with and without disabilities. With Thikwa, she collaborates in various theatre productions and works as a performing artist In 2023 she realised her first directing and choreography with the Theater an der Parkaue.

Alice Marchetto
Vicepresident and Project Manager
In 2015 Alice moved to Berlin to look for new job opportunities in the disability field. Se has a master degree in Development and Education Psychology. She has done different internships in the mental health field as a Neuropsycologist in the hospital and in a day center for adults with disabilities. In Italy she has worked together with the University Center for Disabilities and Inclusion with different projects to promote a new inclusive culture based on Hope Optimism and Temporal Perspective to support a good and satisfying quality of life in disabled people .
In Artemisia, Alice takes care of the Future Projects section and the management of the Artemisia’s operators.

Claudia Alvino
Tesoriera e segretaria
Nata a Napoli il 1. Novembre 1985 Claudia si è laureata all’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, in architettura nel 2010. Dopo l’Erasmus a Berlino nel 2007 si trasferisce definitivamente nel 2010. Nella sua carriera professionale ha lavorato in vari Studi di architettura a Berlino. Attualmente vive tra Berlino e Rothenklempenow, oltre a seguire la nostra associazione, lavora come architetto per il BioBoden Genossenschaft eG.

Valeria Reghenzani
From 1997 to 2000 she attended the training course in Psychomotricity for
adolescents, adults, and the elderly at the AISPSIM in Milan directed by Dr.
Between 2006 and 2007 she converted the qualification into a qualifying degree in
developmental neuropsychomotor skills at the State University of Milan.
Both during her training years and without, she worked for about 18 years in the
socio-educational field with children and adults with and without disabilities
between Milan and Varese. Since 2017 she has been working as an educator at an Italian-German kindergarten
in Berlin.

Sara Chiusso
After spending several years in England and Denmark, she moved to Berlin in 2022 with her husband and three children. Armed with a bachelor degree in linguistic mediation from the University of Trieste and a master degree in conference interpreting from the University of Westminster, she now works as a project manager in the localization industry. Advocating for inclusion is something she holds dear to her heart.